Clowing Around-Spinning in Staten Island

Have you heard about the Clown sightings in Staten Island? Well, I have and I’m not scared nor impressed. But I was impressed by the no clowning around during Spinning at a new Staten Island spin spot. Thanks to a great birthday gift given by my friend Ann-Marie, I was given the opportunity to take 3 classes so far at Endure. My first class was kind of debacle at first. But thank god I love to get someplace new EXTRA early so I can scope it out.

Usually I trek into the city for a class at Revolve. Don’t get me wrong I love Revolve. I love it more than Endure. However it’s the crossing two bridges and some tolls and add in some parking issues that bring me closer to the South Shore Endure. Which has its own parking issues and kinks. I did call ahead to sort some things out but because this is a Part Time operation I wasn’t able to get my questions answered in time. On a Thursday evening I got there to meet the instructor Ronnie a bit early and was glad I did. I had worn boots to spin because hey, that’s what I do at Revolve. I usually rent their spin shoes and take it from there. However at Endure, there is no spin shoe rental because you have the option to wear spin shoes or sneakers. Well then. After brainstorming, I wore a pair of borrowed spin shoes-a little big-but I WANTED to spin! Glad I did. Music was good. Vibe was good for both men and women. Competition was good as our “work” was displayed on a big screen something like Flywheel. We used resistance bands as we spun to work our upper body. And as result I left sweaty, but sparkling with my Sparklysoul headband, and fulfilled. I was able to attend 2 more classes with Cheryl Ann on a Tuesday evening. Note: Bike #12 where my friend Danielle spun was out-of-order. Needed to be recalibrated or something. She worked her Ass off! But hey she ended up in first place for the ride. Who else does that on a Tuesday evening? First class no bands or weights were used but second class I enjoyed a whole lot more. Music was awesome! Singing welcomed! And weight usage was great.
Staten Island
Down to Earth competitiveness
No shower
Small studio/spacing between bikes
No 6 am class
Overall: Can’t wait to return!

Do you prefer spinning/working out closer to home or will you travel to workout?





My date with little man

I had bought a living social 3 class voucher for Jumplife for me a couple of months back. I thought it would be a fun and less stress on my body alternative to spin, weight lifting, or running. However since the voucher is due to expire in December and because time has not been on my side, I decided to use a class for little man. 

I tried to register on-line however the system was not recognizing my voucher as payment so I called Jumplife.  After explaining the issue I was told somebody would call me back shortly.  And minutes later, they did!  Danny man was registered for his first trampoline class.  

Saturday morning we headed into the city by car, and because I hate being late to new places and I hate to circle blocks to find parking, I parked right across from the studio by Canal Street.  That being said, I should have circled. There is on the street metered parking that wold have worked. 

I arrived for the class about 15 minutes early and met the owner, the instructor and another instructor who would be joining.  I was told that I could join in the class, for free the first time.  I was assured parents  do partake in the class and it would be fun.  I paused.  Now, I love physical activity, I love interacting with my child, and I was very excited about this class so it was a bonus.  However, I have an injury, I was dressed in jeans, wore no socks and had no sneakers, and I really wanted little man to experience this with other kids, not me playing with him.  However they had sneakers for me to borrow, and a nice new pair of socks. There were several children signed up for class and at least one other parent so…well, no excuses here.  I was ready to join in the fun.

All of a sudden, after chatting and Dan the instructors getting acquainted, we realized it was 10:05-Class start time 10:00.  And then we realized no other children or adults were there.  Pro-we had the whole joint to ourselves. Con-We would miss the interaction with the other people for the activities planned.  Let me say that Dan needs coaxing. He loves other kids, he loves activities, but boy does he get “tired” easily.  EXCUSES.  I heard them all in 10 minutes after we began.  Oh how I wished for other kids so he can forget that he was actually moving but playing with the kids.  And finally in the middle of our jumping and ball throwing game, 15 minutes later, the kids arrived!!!  By that time though little man was done.  And the entrance of the kids really didn’t help.  Even the awesome techno and disco lighting didn’t help.  But I thought it was soo cool, until I had an unhappy flashback of running through the Hollywood Studios tunnel with the disco lights at the Wine and Dine Half Marathon. “Simon says” followed and Dan tried very hard to listen and not make a mistake.  He did an amazing job!  I could barely hear if Simon said to do something because the music was loud but I managed. Next “follow the leader” came on.  This is where a child gets to lead the class.  They choose the jumps and moves and everyone follows.  Dan had his turn and he was ecstatic!! Lively even!!! And when their time in front ended it was time for stretching.  Oh how I love you thy stretching.  Even here, little man complained.  Honey, I explained, we are cooling down, almost complete, stretch my dear, it helps you!  And you know what he said at the end?

This was FUN!  I want to come back!


You complained.  You stopped.  You complained more.  And you want to come back???

Yep, that’s what he said!

And this is what I said: Sure.  An impromptu date with my little man is always welcomed! And maybe he doesn’t love to always move.  But he moved!  Some kids don’t move at all, and their parents don’t encourage them. A reminder to me that he will find his interests one day but I need to expose him to things; and that is what I plan to do again and again and again with no pressure just understanding that I didn’t love to move either when I was his age.  I loved to talk!  Some things never change and some things do!

Jumplife Studio

Jumplife Studio

And since I paid a million dollars to park we made a day of having access to NYC!  Onward via the subway to Toys R Us to complete a wish list and then to Wendy’s to eat.  Yes-we eat fancy! 

Little man and his Star Wars wish list

Little man and his Star Wars wish list

Happy Thanksgiving from me and mine to you and yours!!


Taking the subway

Taking the subway