Rewarding Weekends

This weekend I put in 17 miles. For me, this is pretty impressive. Without injury yet with a little pain but not overextending myself. I was able to run those miles with my ladies Danielle, Jen, and Tara, and if without them, I would’ve never ran. Okay, maybe three miles but never 17. 11 of those miles on Saturday morning, were done between two of Staten Island’s many parks. We have the most parks in the 5 boroughs. A fact I learned while preparing for the Miss Staten Island pageant some years ago. Clove and Silver lakes provided us with many morning hellos to some familiar faces and nature: The trees, the flowers, the waterfalls, the ducks, the birds, and of course the dogs. The first 10 miles were done and we thought it was over. I was glad it was over. My hips were hurting due to a slip at work and the impact of the run combined. My mind was over the loops. So we snapped a shot or two, chatted until one of us left, and then, I actually said, out loud, who wants to run more? Silly me, I knew my road racers would definitely want more! So one more loop and we were pooped. Good thing I had nothing planned on the agenda afterwards; Except that half priced Frappuccino at Starbuck’s Happy Hour from 3-5PM everyday now through May 10.
Then came Sunday morning and I texted my lovely lady Danielle to confirm she was running though the trails with another Staten Island Killa Bee Billy, the trail run leader. Yes I made that title up but if it weren’t for him, I’d still be in those trails. So we headed into the trails. I heard it was going to be painful. But I thought we’d ease in to that. Nope!! That’s not how we roll. So up a hill we went. And another hill. And another. You get the picture. This trail run encompassed a lot of hills. And this is exactly what I wanted out of the trail run. I wanted terrain. I need those hills in my training and I am glad I didn’t wuss out. Not even a repeat at the very end of the 6 miles. Thanks yellow and red for getting purple to move her ass! And then off to little man’s baseball game I went. But first, a stop to do grocery shopping.
The baseball game was great. Dan did amazingly. And my sisters and their families showed up to cheer him on. I never let him know they were coming until they actually parked at the field. I hate to disappoint. He was so excited that they came; proud that he didn’t strike out; and impressed he caught a few balls. We all enjoyed the game and his enthusiasm that day, even though we were still wearing our winter coats in MAY!
After the game, I was able to sneak in a pedicure and then off to make Dan’s birthday wish list at Toys R Us. The best idea created. Okay, not the best idea ever, but you know what I mean: A very smart idea. Then came cinco de mayo.
Ahhh I remember those days when I partied with the best of them in Chevy’s parking lot. But this year, it was a work day and a day off for little man. So he came to work with me. Dressed in his suit shirt and tie with fancy shoes, he was ready to take on the office. Some morning hours were spent setting up his race cars against some Star Wars characters in a battle until a co-worker entered the office. He got quiet but yet continued with his game. Then the coworker got him some extra tools around the office to make a ramp and garage for some car racing. Super happy with this until I said let’s ready or write something. He decided to write a story. Picture the opening of Star Wars where it starts “In a galaxy far far away…” Well his story became a one lined, one page typed story with illustrations. He decided that he wanted to sell his story. The price was set at $40. Oh no little man. Let’s be realistic. How about 50 cents I said, then he replied no, two quarters, I will not take just 50 cents. He knows that 2 quarters equals 50 cents but his wheels were turning. He had a plan and a reason behind it…
I think that’s enough reading for now.
Until the next blog entry.

20140506-132634.jpg Dan the man and his family plus Daniel S photobombing

20140506-132700.jpgDan the man and fam

20140506-132717.jpg Me and my girl Danielle after 6 trail miles.  Billy was camera shy.

20140506-132731.jpg Me, Jen, Danielle, and Tara on the bridge at Clove Lake after 10 miles.


Danielle, Dan and I while selling Dan’s autographed book!20140506-132910.jpg